St Patrick, a rugged believer that Brought even
dead animals and trees back to life prayed:
"God, Give me souls or give me nothing else"....
Brethren during the Hebrides revival prayed:"
Lord, If you will not use us, please, kill us"...
The brethren from England who brought the Fire from Azusa Street revival
gathered everyday under the terrible cold... Their
only prayer topic was: "Lord, give us men that
will spread Your Fire in the streets of England"...
During the Indonesia Revival, those hungry hearts
were seen praying day and night:" Lord, The
harvest is ripe... If it pleases You, please use us".
One prayer that was common during the days of
William Seymour was: "Lord, this is another day
that hell must lose men and women. Please, we
are here. Use us"...
Paul said:" Woe is me if
I preach not the gospel"
Rachel said to her husband, Jacob: "Give me
children or I die"
But unfortunately, our churches are filled today
with people who are not ashamed of spiritual
barrenness... We are asking
"God give me money.. God give me spouse...
God give me visa". Where do we see believers
again that will be praying and fasting, and when
you listen to them, you will be hearing:" Lord, let
Your Fire fall in my community and let their be
When Paul encountered Christ, he fell and
rose. What He asked was:" Lord, what will You
have me do"... But today, when we fall under
anointing, we stand to start expecting
marriage proposals and visas and employment
Man of God, this generation of members in our churches have not had a
genuine encounter with the Man of Calvary..
No generation has carried Bibles like us without opening it... No generation is materially driven like ours and we expect the land to obey us.
Jesus said, pray to the Father that He brings His Kingdom on earth.
GOD help us to get it on time. Amen.
👉 Now dat u've read dis message share it to anybody dat u consider a friend. Let's build up our spiritual life cos its necessary.
If u miss heaven u can never miss hell... Think about it. Hell isn't a pretty place.
Do d work of an evangelist.!!!
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