I fast and I pray...Those who are close to me know that I can burst into tongues even in the middle of a business meeting and I can forget that I haven't eaten for two days...While coding, you will hear me groaning in unknown tongues...while hacking (not the criminal one oh), you will hear me speaking in unknown languages...Its my life...


Fasting does not attract God's attention to our prayer...Its like saying that your earthly father expects you to go on a hunger strike before giving you attention...God enjoys seeing you feasting than he enjoys seeing you go without food...A lot of you don't know how happy God is when your family comes together and feast on a well prepared food and some nice drinks....That is very pleasing to God...In fact, God desires that we live in unity and abundance always...Fasting should be by choice...Like i want to fast and lose weight...I want to fast and discipline my flesh...I want to fast, pray and give more attention to spiritual things.


I want to fast 40 days and 40 nights to pay the price for a higher anointing...(which price?)...I want to fast and call upon the God of vengeance to kill my ex who broke my heart..

While you are fasting to kill your ex, he or she will be busy feasting in an expensive restaurant somewhere in Paris with a new bae. God is too busy to get involved in petty things like bae-bae fights. The blood of Jesus is not for revenging against your bae. Holy Ghost fire will not answer you. Please look for a witchdoctor to help you. Christianity has nothing for people seeking vengeance except a sermon on forgiveness. The people you want vengeance on will end up living a happier life and if they develop a relationship with God through Jesus, they will be in heaven before you because you are still struggling with unforgiveness.


Fast with understanding and not because your denomination announced it or your bae baed another bae and you can't bear it. Any fasting done outside the corridors of knowledge of the finished work of Christ is just hunger strike in religious garment. "...Charles, but it is working for me"...Hmmm, I thought we have dealt with this thing about "things that work"...Its like today's Christianity is all about things that work and not things that are true.

In conclusion, it is not wrong to go without food to discipline your body. In fact, it is medically advisable to fast from time to time. Always be conscious of ulcer too.

Who might think that eating during this period of 100 days and 100 nights New year fasting would be counted by God as a sin. It will only be a sin if you feast but claim that you are fasting. Few members do this, it is the pastors who do so. A very great prophet once declared fasting in a church I was part of and one day, I caught him in his house enjoying breakfast with his young wife while the rest of the church was waiting on God. I was like "Goodmorning sir..." and his response was "come and join us Charles, we are enjoying Grace". If you are a pastor and you know that you are not secretly guilty of this, be the first to cast the stone.

Let's move on to more serious issues and not dwell on carnal things like fasting and seeing of angels and sowing of things...Can we move on to issues like strategically planning to invade the corners of the earth where Jesus hadn't been taught nor preached? Either by deploying technology or deploying missionaries. This is the heartbeat of God.



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