What on earth is wife material?
Decades ago, the answer would be quite simple: mannered, humble, respectful, caring, fertile, supportive and submissive topping the checklist.

But is it still relevant in our generation?
I mean, show me a girl who thinks she's NOT a wife material.
Gone are the days when most men could agree on ONE definition for the term "wife material". These days even women do not agree, and one can infer from the fact that almost all women consider themselves wife materials......

Is wife material a compliment?
I've heard the term and it's variations like a thousand and one times. But I personally do not see it as a compliment, it's such a cliché!

You're a real wife material
Your husband is lucky
I'd love you to marry my son
You're an exceptional 21st century girl.
My mum would love for a daughter in-law.
Your husband is highly favored and blessed.
You're the ideal wifey for my brother.
Why didn't I meet you before I met my wife.
Whoever marries you is so fortunate.

Ahn! Ahn!
Can't you just love to clean because you love tidy places?
Can't you do the laundry because you love looking smart?
Can't you just be respectful because it's the right thing to do?
Can't you just cut the grasses because you dislike bushy surroundings?
Can't you be properly dressed unless you're looking for validation?
Can't you just prepare tasty meals because you love to eat good food?
Can't you be supportive, unless you're looking for a prospective husband?
Can't you simply be you for you?

Why should everything you love to do validate you to be fit or unfit for wife material?

The whole "wife material" thing is a personal thing. 1yard for Femi, 10yards for Sadiq.
Wife material is a comment or opinion, and of course all opinions are formed from biases......

If a guy tags a girl as  "unfit" for wife material, I'd simply say "he doesn't wish to marry such a girl." And that's what you should ideally read from such a statement.
We all have freedom of speech, thoughts and biases....
So there's no use fussing over such minute statements.......

Alex said he's ideal wife material is: calm, simple, natural and barely educated (simply put: he wants a naive and primitive girl).....
He said "I don't want a girl who is too exposed and tend to intimidate me and my family with her sophistication"...... (His choice)

Jye on the other hand wants a classy, working, sophisticated, French fries and icecream kinda girl.....
He said "I don't have the strength to upgrade a 232 to a Pentium"..... (His choice)

The definition of wife material depends on the source, everyone has his own brand of brainwash:
She is groomed
She's loyal
She's got the body
She is submissive
She is intellectually sharp
She's a fashionista
She's climbed echilons
She's got high culinary expertise
Our babies would look great
She makes good money
She's got something I like......... Just go ahead and choose your flavor.....

Different strokes for different folks
What Alex can compromise, is a priority on Jye's wife material checklist.....

So lately, when anyone calls me wifey or wife material I just laugh, because you can meet all the criteria and still suck at marriage....

There's no standard measurement, there's no assuming one-size-fits-all, when it comes to wifey - husband

However, I know there are qualities that are gender epicene and ought to be cultivated:
A readiness to love another as yourself.
A readiness to embrace monogamy.
A readiness to share your time and space with another.
Being able to consider another person's feelings/emotions before making decisions.
Espousing and implementing healthy communication skills.
Knowing when and how to say "I am sorry."
Plus all those other realistic things that keep the relationship going.

The world isn't perfect, so discard your prescribed checklist of 100 qualities "wifey" must have.
They're sexist, unrealistic, idealistic and prejudiced.....

There's no RECIPE for THE perfect wife material.
Just focus on being the perfect partner for your spouse


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